Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Moving on

For the past two years, this blog has been in hiatus. Why? Well, I moved to Turkey would be one excuse. I left my old job where I could focus on such topics as connecting faith and pop culture would be another, but those are both just excuses. Nothing was stopping me from continuing to write for this blog, showing connections I've seen in various television shows and movies.

Another excuse, that is still truth, is that I have had a difficult time keeping up with American culture. We don't have a TV in our apartment. I've been to the movie theatre less than five times while in Turkey.

Life changed in a big way and I chose to not make time for this blog, whose readership wasn't amazing, but it was committed and I let you down if you are among those people. I am sorry.

Alas, I do not plan to relaunch this blog either. I'll keep what content is here so that people looking to find the poetry of Treebeard will have a source.

What I am relaunching is my commitment to connect faith and culture online once again through a different medium.

I have agreed to become a contributing member or more appropriately "one of the geeks" for the website
Faith and Geekery.

This site seeks to do what I have always sought to do, connect faith and culture. As you can tell, their particular or peculiar taste is toward things you might label as geeky, for example: science fiction, fantasy, technology, comic books and comic book movies.

If you read this site in the past, you probably are interested in at least two of the aforementioned topics if not all of them, so I would encourage you to take a look at Faith and Geekery. There's a lot of solid geek and faith news that gets posted as well as some excellent commentary on trends and culture in the faith and geek worlds.

I have agreed to undertake this work for a number of reasons. Firstly, I really enjoy writing about faith and geekery. I can't say I miss it because I have been working on a book project involving faith and the shortlived TV series Firefly.

I've also been compiling a book of devotions connected to Paul's writings, many connected to geekery.

Secondly, I think God, for whatever reason, gifted me in this area, to see the connections between faith and other things. Wasting that would be unwise.

Thirdly, in honing my skills as a writer, I find it best to work in a team setting of some sort. I do this with my sports interest on a site called
Sports Central. Where I'm expected to submit an article every month. I get a reminder of this with a bit of guidance on which sport to write on and I have a week to submit. I have written for Sports Central every month for the past four years.

If I can do that for sports, why not for connecting faith and geekery? It only seems logical. Faith and Geekery has three current contributors and I will be their fourth, posting once a month at minimum.

So between those two gigs, our travel blog -
Turkish Crossroads and my personal list of novels, short stories and devotional books, I think I should have my hands full with writing for quite some time.

Thanks for reading. I hope you'll follow me and join me on the other sites.

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